Peterson Berg is represented by
Alyssa Maltese at
Root Literary.



CAT SCRATCH FEVER: A love story between a person with nothing, and the wealthy, mean cat named Minotaur that rules their shared apartment.

So, I say to the cat when I return, the two of us alone in the apartment dark. Hello.

I realize I do not know the cat’s name nor gender. It is a cat, nothing more.

I guess I’m your new roommate.

The cat sniffs the air in my direction and holds their mouth agape.

Even in the dark, I can see a red tongue sandwiched between fangs.


Other Love: A surgery leaves a void inside a patient that changes them — and their friendships — forever.

I don’t think I’m the same person I was, I say.

Future Shock: A scene from a 70s paranoid thriller inspires a mental collapse, as time and anxiety blend together into the haze.

Everything outside is always milky white and severe. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen at this time of year.

Now That You’re Here: In a remote cabin, a lone hiker becomes infected with an inexplicable highly contagious disease, and must decide how to proceed.

Patience, patience. With patience my thoughts will melt, too.